Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Aristotle Life Story Essay Example for Free

Aristotle Life Story Essay Aristotle was born in Greece approximately 384 B. C. , to parents Nicomachus and Phaestis. His father Nicomachus was physician to King Amyntas of Macedon, and his mother was of a wealthy family from the island of Euboea. When he was 17 he went to study at Plato’s Academy in Athens, where he stayed for around 20 years. Aristotle did very well at the Academy, but when Plato died he was not chosen to be among the leaders. Soon after Plato’s death he left to tutor Prince Alexander, later to be known as Alexander the Great. Aristotle later returned to Athens to open his own school which is known as the Lyceum. Aristotle was more interested in science than other philosophers in his time, maybe because his father was a doctor. He’s sometimes referred to the father of science. One of Aristotle’s most important contributions was sorting and classifying the various knowledge of science into branches. He thus laid the foundation of science today. Aristotle is also thought to be the father of the scientific method. In ancient times, gods were thought to be the cause of events in nature. Early Greek philosophers questioned the roles of gods as the cause of these events. If the gods weren’t the cause of these events, who was? Philosophers advanced explanations based on philosophical principles and mathematical forms. Aristotle found that unsatisfactory. He was the first to realize the importance of empirical measurement (measurement based on observation and experience), believing that knowledge could only be gained from building on what was already known. Aristotle’s contributions were measurement and observation, which is what science, is built upon. He was the first to propose the idea of induction as a tool to gaining knowledge, and understood that theoretical thought and reasoning had to be supported by real world findings. His method is summarized as follows; Study what others have written about the subject, look for the general consensus about the subject, and perform a systematic study of everything even partially related to the topic. This is the very first sign of a scientific method. Aristotle loved categorizing and organizing things. For instance, with the soul he thought it was composed of two components: a rational and irrational part. The rational half was subdivided into â€Å"scientific† and â€Å"calculative† sections, and the irrational half was made up of a â€Å"desiderative† (desire) part and a â€Å"vegetative† part. A person operates by combining all the workings of these parts. The vegetative part may be hungry. The desiderative part may want lots of candy instead of, say, vegetables, but the scientific part knows candy will be bad for teeth and weight. The calculative part will then try to work out a compromise. Problem solved! Aristotle assumed that there must be some basic commodities that combine to make all things. These basic four groups are, earth, water, air and fire, and each of these are a combination of two of four opposites, hot and cold, and wet and dry. For example, fire is hot and dry. He claimed that all materials were made from various combinations of these elements. His love of categories also led him to divide people into three groups. The big group, who loved pleasure, a smaller group -includes politicians- that love honor, and the smallest, but most elite group, who love contemplation. The latter were the philosophers. Aristotle’s next task was to find the key reason that separated humans from animals. His answer was our ability to reason. Aristotle’s really great contribution was that of biology. Having established the division between humans and animals he set out categorizing all he could of the biological world. He grouped animals with related characteristics into genera and then divided these genera into species. This same process is used today, though subsequent research has caused some of the individuals to be moved around. He wrote in detail about five hundred different animals in his works, including a hundred and twenty kinds of fish and sixty kinds of insect. He was the first to perform dissections on living things, so he could try to make sense of how they worked. He described how a chick develops within an egg and realized that dolphins and whales were different from fish. He noted that ruminant animals, like cows, had multi-chambered stomachs, something that separated them from simple-stomached animals. Not only did he study large animals, but small ones as well, such as bees. He also made lead way in botany. He attempted to classify over 500 plants into trees, shrubs, and herbs and, while he was not entirely successful in this, he certainly understood which features of plants were necessary for making distinctions. This time he has earned the title of father over botany. Aristotle made many other contributions to science, one of which was proving the Earth was a sphere, although he wrongly thought that Earth was the center of the universe. Plato disagreed with this theory; he sided with Copernicus who rightly thought the sun was the center of the universe. Aristotle also studied physics. He did not have many tools for experimentation so he could not measure time or speed. He did not allow for invisible forces, so he did not study gravity. Things fell to Earth and the moon circled the earth because that’s what they did. In spite of his limitations, Aristotle made some remarkable contributions to physics and laid the groundwork for Galileo, Newton, and Einstein. He reasoned that infinite velocities could not exist, that time and movement are continuous and inseparable, and that time was even flowing, infinite, and the same everywhere at once. These are all true, and are part of Einstein’s Theory of Relativity. That’s amazing considering the limitations he had to work with. Anti-Macedonian feeling broke out in Athens around 323 BC. The Athenians accused Aristotle of irreverence. He chose to flee, so that the Athenians might not twice sin against philosophy (by killing him as they had Socrates). He fled to Chalcis on the island of Euboea. Aristotle died in 322 BC. After he died a lot of his work and research was lost. It is thought that today we only have about 1/3 of what he had originally written. Aristotle was an amazing scientist, but even he was not without mistakes. For example, he wrongly assumed that force is required to keep an object moving at constant speed. This error held progress back for years. He also, as I stated before, thought the Earth was the center of the universe. But, really isn’t that what science is about? Trial and error, make mistakes then learn from them, that’s how you make real progress in science. Aristotle is proof of this. Look at all the progress we have made today, from his mistakes. Bibliography Bibliography 1. http://www. ucmp. berkeley. edu/history/aristotle. html 2. http://www. enotes. com/topics/aristotle 3. http://www. philosophypages. com/ph/aris. htm 4. http://jcmooreonline. com/2010/12/28/aristotles-enduring-contribution-to-scien ce-education-and-physics/ 5. http://www. iep. utm. edu/aristotl/ 6. http://galileo. phys. virginia. edu/classes/109N/lectures/aristot2. html 7. http://www. valpo. edu/geomet/histphil/test/aristotl. html 8. http://plato. stanford. edu/entries/aristotle-biology/#LifWor 9. http://leavis. tripod. com/science. htm 10. http://www. experiment-resources. com/history-of-the-scientific-method. html 11. http://www. sciencekids. co. nz/sciencefacts/scientists/aristotle. html 12. http://www. historyforkids. org/learn/greeks/philosophy/aristotle. htm 13. http://www. mlahanas. de/Greeks/AristotleBiol. htm 14. http://www. thocp. net/biographies/aristoteles. html 15. Info from class 16. Physical Science Book.

Tuesday, January 21, 2020

The Wife of Bath :: essays papers

The Wife of Bath The Wife of Bath:An Illusion of Reality When one thinks of marriage, the most common ideal is equality of control among man and woman. Chaucer incorporates two opposing viewpoints on marriage in The Canterbury Tales. The Wife of Baths tale, in which she says that one spouse, preferably the wife, must have mastery over the other. On the other hand, The Franklins tale disapproves of the Wife of Baths philosophy by saying that equality and trust are essential in holding a marriage together as expressed here: .... And to enhance the bliss of both of their lives. He freely gave his promise as a knight that he would never darken her delight by exercising his authority against her will or showing jealousy but would obey her in all with simple trust as any lover of a lady must...(427) Now, the question is, Can the typical reader find the Wife of Bath a trustworthy person. David Parker, a literary critic, believes that The Wife of Bath Should not be fully trusted, due to the contradictory things she said about her relationships with her five husbands in her prologue. With the first three husbands, the Wife was happy because she was married to wealthy men, but was unhappy because they were old and could not fulfill her sexual desires. On the other hand, with her last two husbands, the Wife got her sexual desires fulfilled, but theres a huge question mark about her mastery of her younger husbands. Her relationship with her fifth, and last husband, is a prime example of this contradiction. When John, her fifth husband, hit her it was apparent to the reader, and to me, that she wasnt in the very blissful marriage as seen here ...Then like a maddened lion, with a yell he started up and smote me on the head and down I fell upon the floor for dead. And when he saw how motionless I lay he was aghast and would have flown away, but in the end, I started coming to....(297) Here, its evident to me that the Wife was very submissive in this marriage and that her husband is the one who shows the mastery. What didnt surprise me at the end of her prologue was the fact that everything was sweet and rosy and that

Monday, January 13, 2020

World War Ii the American Experience

World War II: The American Experience HIS120 Date World War II: The American Experience It is no known secret that America attempted to reframe from becoming a part of what was projected as being a major war which started with the European culture. Historians believe that the second war was a contribution of the Great Depression which caused for America to seize from their investments in Europe. This caused for a struggle of power in Europe which provide an opportunity for Hitler and Stalin to obtain control over Europe. However receiving control over Britain would become a challenge.The prime minister at that time knew in order to survive he would need an alliance; the United States. With Germany, Italy, and Japan seizing majority of Europe, President Roosevelt agreed to support Britain in the war in order to promote the â€Å"Four Freedoms: freedom of speech, freedom of worship, freedom for want, and freedom for fear† (Schultz, 2012). With the booming of Pearl Harbor on Dece mber 7, President Roosevelt asked Congress to declare war. Once war was declared and with Hitler also declaring war on the United States; this became the beginning of World War II.North African Campaign Figure 1. Allied Operations in World War II, 1942-1945 American troops entered into North Africa in late 1943. The North African Campaign, better known as the Desert War, took place in North African desert which surrounded those areas of Algeria, Egypt, Libya, Morocco, Sudan, Tunisia, and the Western Sahara (United States History, 2012). After the Axis (name given for the Germane, Italian, and Japanese) were defected in France, Northern Africa became the focus of conquering.It is stated that the North African Campaign was fought for not only one reason but for two reasons. The Suez Canal was the first objective to gain control over for the reason that the Suez Canal will be the source of controlling the Middle East. The second objective for the North African Campaign was the Middle E ast oil supply and resources. Egypt was a main focus due to the location in which was at the center of the Eastern Mediterranean, Abyssinia, and the Middle East (United States History, 2012). Operation torch was lead by General Bernard Montgomery.During operation torch, British troops were in Egypt fighting the Germany’s while American troops launched an invasion of French North Africa (United States History, 2012). The objective for operation torch was to gain control of Morocco, Algeria, and Tunisia which were all under the French dictatorship. By having control, the Allies (Britain, Soviet Union, and the United States) wanted to push the Axis out of Africa. The Allies were successful. â€Å"On May 12, 1943, the last organized Axis army force in Africa surrendered.The Allies had killed, wounded, or captured about 350,000 Axis soldiers, and had suffered about 70,000 casualties. After the victory in the North African Campaign, the stage was set for the Italian Campaign to be gin† (United States History, 2012). Italian Campaign Figure 2. The Pacific and Adjacent Theaters, 1942-1945 At the Casablanca Conference held in Casablanca, Morocco in January 1943; the decision was made to invade Italy. The Allies had their first war conference to discuss the invasion. This launched the Italian Campaign which placed Allied soldiers on the mainland in Europe.The Italian Campaign consisted of five objectives: to â€Å"capitalize on the collapse of Italian resistance, make immediate use of ready Allied strength, engage German forces that might otherwise be used in Russia and northern France, secure airfields from which to intensify the bombing of Germany and the Balkans, and gain complete control of the Mediterranean† (United States History, 2012). D-Day; Normandy landings was the Operation Husky. During this operation, Allies landed on the beaches while leading the Germans to thinking that they would attack Sardinia and Corsica.Due to the bombing in Rome , the head of the government king Mussolini was forced to resign from his position. At that time, the Italians wanted to withdraw from the war with Japan and Russia. Operation Husky wanted to completely eliminate Italy from the war. By the end of the Italian Campaign, the war against Germany reallocated to France. â€Å"In the spring of 1945 Allied forces penetrated the final German defensive line to enter the fertile plains of the Po River Valley. On May 2, the Germans in Italy surrendered† (United States History, 2012).Japanese American, Infantry men of the 442nd Regiment, runs for cover as a German artillery shell is about to land outside the building. Levine, Italy. April 4, 1945. Normandy Campaign The objectives of the Allies were during the invasion of Normandy was eliminate all of the Germans capabilities of trying to organize a counterattack during the Allies amphibious assault. The Allies used their airborne capabilities to seize significant objectives like bridges, road crossings and terrain area’s mainly on the eastern and western flanks.The Allies also used their airborne infantry to land behind enemy forces on the beaches of Normandy to help egress the amphibious forces and also neutralize and destroy the Germans coastal defenses batteries. Sword beach was invaded by the British infantry, we the infantry made it ashore they were met with light resistance and the suffered minimal casualties. They had advanced five miles inland by the end of the first day of battle, but they did not meet their major objectives such as Caen which was still in possession of the Germans.Juno beach was invaded by the Canadian army; they were met with heavy German resistance upon landing ashore in Normandy. There were by heavy machine gun fire, pill boxes, and other major concrete fortifications that the German army had set up. Juno beach was the second heaviest outpost guarded by the Germans. The Canadian Army was the only unit to reach all of their object ives on D-Day. Gold beach was invaded by the 50th (Northumbrian) infantry division; they were also met with stiff German resistance due to the Germans fortifying a village along the beach front.However, the 50th infantry divisions were able to overcome Germans and were able to proceed to outskirts of Bayeux by the end of the first day. The 50th infantry division then linked with Allied commando units who were securing the Port-en-Bessin. This gave the Allies a base that they could deploy the PLUTO pipeline. Omaha beach was invaded by the American allies; they met fierce resistance from the German 352nd Infantry Division who were Germany’s best trained force for defending the beaches and coastal areas. Omaha beach was so well fortified by the Germans that the Americans missed most of their landing objectives.However, after battling the Germans for three days the American allies were able to penetrate the Germans fortifications and move forward. Utah beach was invaded by the 4t h infantry division; they were met with very little German resistance and were able to move further inland by the late afternoon where they linked up the 101st airborne division. After the beaches were secured allied forces were able to set up the Mulberry Harbors, which allowed supplies and reinforcements to come ashore to support allied forces.Victory in Normandy was followed by a pursuit to the French border in short order, and Germany was forced once again to reinforce the Western Front with manpower and resources from the Soviet and Italian fronts. By September, Allied forces of seven field armies (two of which came through southern France in Operation Dragoon) were approaching the German frontier. Allied material weight told heavily in Normandy, as did intelligence and deception plans. The general Allied concept of the battle was sound, drawing on the strengths of both Britain and the United States.German dispositions and leadership were often faulty, despite a creditable show ing on the ground by many German units. In larger context the Normandy landings helped the Soviets on the Eastern front, who were facing the bulk of the German forces and, to a certain extent, contributed to the shortening of the conflict there. War in Europe The Battle of Atlantic was a battle that began with Great Britain declaring war on the Germans in September of 1939. The battle of the Atlantic brought about significant changes and creative inventions to the allies military.This was a major reason that allied forces were able to defeat the Germans in the Battle of Atlantic. The Battle of the Atlantic cost thousands of soldiers their lives and thousands of Navy ships were destroyed as well. During World War II allied forces conducted strategic bombing missions against the German’s. Allied forces would bomb railways, harbors, industrial places, and cities. As World War II begins to intensify, allied forces began to conduct numerous bombing missions. Allied forces bombed c ity believes that it was physiological warfare and they believe it would break the enemy’s will to continue fighting. The Majdanek concentration camp was located in Eastern Poland and was the first concentration camp that was liberate by the soviets in July of 1944. Before the Soviets were able to liberate the Majdanek concentration camp the German Nazi’s had killed between 90,000 and 140,000 prisoners. Majdanek concentration camp was initially a Prisoner of War camp that housed Russian Prisoners of War, but the camp soon turned towards a concentration camp for the Jews. It is estimated that 60,000 Jews were killed during the camps operation.In July of 1944 the soviets advanced on the Majdanek concentration so fast that the German Nazi’s were not able to conceal the evidence of the torture and killings they had committed. Liberation of Paris America was in war on two fronts, the war against Japan, and the war against Germany. The beginning of the conflict starte d with Paris started with Britain and Germany over a blockade that was preventing America to trade with either country. America had signed a treaty to stay out of the conflicts with foreign countries.America was drawn into the conflict when Germany decided to launch a full scale war with against Britain and France (Schultz, â€Å"World War II,† 2012). Paris had been invaded by the Germans, causing stress, killings, and havoc to the residents until D-Day, a code name for Destination Day, when America and France liberated Paris and broke the Strong hold of Germany and freed Paris (â€Å"Weider History Group†, 2006). Operation Market Garden was a strategic military maneuver plan in September 1944 to be carried out by planning to attack the Germans from the north, south, across the Rhine River, and west of Normandy along with an air attack.This plan failed due to conflict in order on when to strike and bad weather (Macdonald, n. d). The Germans strategy was if they could t ake control of smaller section of a country like Belgium, they would eventually take control of the country entirely. The Battle of the Bulge was one of the largest battles to take place on the west front. They lost the battle because they were spread too thin and was unsuccessful in knocking out the power in Bastogne, Belgium (Schultz, â€Å"World War II,† 2012). During the time of war the three allied forces, Stalin,Churchill, and Roosevelt was under great concern of the condition Poland would be in as they draw near their victory of the World War in January 1945. The Soviet Union, United States, who sided with Great Britain, was at odds with each other over Poland of which Soviet Union occupied. The Soviet Union wants to serve as a buffer for Poland whiles the United States and Britain wand Poland to be more independent. The Soviet Union proposal was more favorable and resulted in the Yalta Agreement. Churchill was in disagreement with the decision and the Soviet and Brita in ended up in a Cold War (Schultz, â€Å"World War II,† 2012).While at the conference meeting in Yalta, Churchill and his ally, Roosevelt was planning an attack on Dresden, a city outside of Berlin. This city was a city of refuge that had no military stations of weapons. It only was a place that had hospitals and house to care for the wounded from the military. The people fled to the city seeking refuge from the Red terror of the war. Many of them were Jews, men women and children. The total death from the bombing is really unknown but is to be said to be over 600,000 (â€Å"The WWII Dresden Holocaust – A single Column of Flame†, n. . ). During the time of all the events that took place in Germany and World War II, it finally broke the back and the strong hold that Hitler had over Germany. At the end of the Holocaust of Dresden and the slaughter of Jews from the concentration camps of which 30,000 were killed, giving an estimated death toll of 600,000 men, wome n, and children. Hitler was known to have committed suicide in April 30, 1945, given victory over Germany, known as of today called V- E Day, â€Å"Victory in Europe Day (Schultz, â€Å"World War II,† 2012). War in the PacificThe United States was holding a war on two fronts, the war in Germany with Britain and France against Germany, and the war against Japan. The Great Depression was perhaps the cause of both wars. With the Stock market crashing and the fall of the economy, America and some of the countries it served and served it was becoming financially ruin and was fighting to stay in power. Each country feeling its own power was trying to make sure that they were not going to be taken advantage of (Schultz, â€Å"World War II,† 2012). America had a strong presence in the Pacific andJapan did not want them there. They were fighting over who would control Hawaii. Japan also wants to take control of all Asia and China. During the time of World War II, Hong Kong was a part of Britain territory. MacArthur and Nimitz are two officers that have great similarities in helping turn the war to the benefit of America. Douglas MacArthur was a General in the U. S Army and Admirable Chester Nimitz was an officer in the United States Navy who had different styles of leadership that worked together to regain control of land and water in the Pacific War. Gen.MacArthur took control of the Philippines and Adm. Nimitz gain control of the Pacific. Churchill and Roosevelt were winning the war. Along with the best two commanders, they began to use a strategy to keep Japan from getting a foothold by sending troops to take over small islands and maintaining control and at the same time pushing the Japanese back while earning the name Island Hoppers (Schultz, â€Å"World War II,† 2012).References Center of Military History. (1992). A Brief History of the U. S. Army. Retrieved from http://www. ibiblio. org/hyperwar/USA/USA-C-WWII/index. tml Schultz, K. M. (201 2). HIST2, Volume 2 (2nd Ed. ). Boston, MA: Wadsworth, Cengage Learning. The WWII Dresden Holocaust – A Single Column of Flame. (n. d. ). Retrieved from http://rense. com/general19/flame. htm Weider History Group. (2006). Retrieved from http://www. historynet. com/world-war-ii-the-liberation-of-paris. htm United States History. (2012). Italian Campaign. Retrieved from http://www. u-s-history. com/pages/h1742. html United States History. (2012). North African Campaign. Retrieved from http://www. u-s-history. com/pages/h1727. html

Sunday, January 5, 2020

Analysis Of Amazon, The Seattle Based Multinational E...

Amazon, the Seattle-based multinational e-commerce company is the largest retailing online company, with over ten of millions active users around the world. Company Vision is to become† Earth biggest selection and to be Earth’s most customer centric company over 500 million items for sale according to†. This paper analyzes the information technology strategy and information systems adopted by amazon. (Jeff, 2007) Introduction Amazon founded by Jeff Bezos and has been gone online in 1995 by selling book, but not to after the company soon widened in selling by music industry products, electronics and technology industry products, appliance automotive, products, jewelry, watches , health care items, beauty products, Clothing, furniture, food toys and so on. The company has expanded its e-commerce platform by establishing website in United Kingdom, Canada, Italy, japan and many other countries worldwide. . The purpose of amazon is to connect buyers and sellers around the world. Technology and information systems are critical to the success and future of the company. The company believes that the sale of books, music’s and other products and service over the web can offer attractive benefits to customers, including greater selections, Convenience, ease of use and competitive pricing. The company website promote brand loyalty and repeat purchase by providing an inviting experience that encourage customers to return frequently and to interact with other customer. TheShow MoreRelatedFinancial Statement Analysis of Amazon.Com Essay1719 Words   |  7 PagesFinancial Statement Analysis of, Inc. Introduction The purpose of this essay is to perform financial statement analysis on, Inc. (NASDAQ: AMZN ). We start with an introduction of Amazon and its industry. We then evaluate the company’s financial position, liquidity, operating capability and financial flexibility using different ratios. 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